Kawasaki FH531V

Kawasaki FH531VThe Kawasaki FH531V is a 0.49 l (494 cc, 30.15 cu-in) V-twin 90° air-cooled 4-stroke internal combustion small gasoline engine with vertical shaft, manufactured by Kawasaki Heavy Industries LTd., for general-purpose applications.

The FH531V has V-twin 90° design with vertical PTO shaft and overhead valves (OHV). The engine is equipped with float type carburetor with a fixed main jet and pulse type fuel pump. The motor uses a flywheel magneto transistor type ignition system; full pressure lubrication system with spin-on oil filter and dual element air cleaner.

The engine has an automatic compression release (ACR) system with recoil or electric starter with 12V-13A charging coil.

It has a 68.0 mm (2.68 in) cylinder bore and 68.0 mm (2.68 in) piston stroke. Compression ratio rating is 8.5:1. The Kawasaki FH531V produced 18.2 PS (13.4 kW; 18.0 HP) at 3,600 rpm of maximum horsepower and 39.0 Nm (3.98 kg·m; 28.78 ft·lb) at 2,400 rpm of torque.

General information

Engine Specifications
Model FH531V
Type 4-stroke, OHV, V-twin 90°
Displacement 494 cm 3 (30.15 cu-in)
Max. horsepower 18.2 PS (13.4 KW; 18.0 HP) at 3,600 rpm
Max. torque (crank PTO) 39.0 Nm (3.98 kg·m; 28.78 ft·lb) at 2,400 rpm
Carburetor Float type
Cooling system Air-cooling
Ignition system Flywheel magneto transistor type
Lubricating system Full pressure with spin-on oil filter
Starting system Recoil or electric starter
Charging system 12V-13A with regulator
Fuel used Unleaded gasoline (octane number 86 or higher)
Fuel consumption 245 g/HPh
Cooling system Pressurized forced circulation type

Dimensions and Weight

Kawasaki FH531V
Length, mm (in) 425 (16.7)
Width, mm (in) 359 (14.1)
Height, mm (in) 441 (17.4)
Dry weight, kg (lb) 32 (70.5)

Tightening torque specs

Tightening torque specs
Cylinder head 25 Nm; 2.2 kg·m; 18.5 ft·lb
Connecting rod 6 Nm; 0.6 kg·m; 4.4 ft·lb
Flywheel 56 Nm; 5.7 kg·m; 41.3 ft·lb
Crankcase cover 25 Nm; 2.2 kg·m; 18.5 ft·lb
Intake manifold 6 Nm; 0.6 kg·m; 4.4 ft·lb
Valve clearance lock nut 7 Nm; 0.7 kg·m; 5.1 ft·lb

Maintenance data

Maximum speed 3500 ± 100 rpm
Idle speed 1500 ± 100 rpm
Cylinder compression 4.0 kg/cm2 (56 psi) at 500 rpm
Valve clearance
Intake valve 0.10-0.15 mm (0.004-0.006 in)
Exhaust valve 0.10-0.15 mm (0.004-0.006 in)
Oil system
Oil type 4-stroke or an equivalent (SF, SG, SH, or SJ )
Recommended oil SAE 10W-40, 10W-30, 5W-20
Oil capacity (with filter changed) 1.8 litre (1.9 US.qt.)
Ignition system
Spark plug gap 0.75 mm (0.029 in)
Spark plug tightening torque 22 Nm; 2.2 kg·m; 16.2 ft·lb
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We try to use verified sources and official documentation, however, differences between sources or errors in entering information may occur. We do not provide advice on technical issues related to the engines operation or repair. We do not recommend using provided information for engines repairing engines or spare parts ordering, use only official service manuals and spare-parts catalogs.


  1. Looking for a Kawasaki FH531V-ASO engine for Husqvarna riding lawnmower. Grateful for help in locating. Thank you

  2. I am trying to find a diagram or image for the correct choke linkage hookup between the carburetor and the cable transfer mechanism. It fell off during a carb replacement and for the life of me I can’t figure out how to make the proper connection. Looked everywhere online but no luck. The only place it actually fits appears to be the throttle lever. Any help would be appreciated.

    • Hi there David, just wondering why you replaced the carby? Was it because it was surging at idael cause mine is doing that now, when I’m mowing it does it a little but when I stop to empty the catchers the motor surge up and down. Today I’m replacing fuel filter, oil, oil filter also the two spark plugs. Not sure on what else I can do with out going inside of it. What do you think??? Any help would be appreciated cliff.

    • Fh531v. Compression left 145psi Compression right 130psi. New coils good spark. Only runs on left cyl. Flooded spark plug on right. Help please

  3. I have a Kawasaki motor FH531V-DS06 dated 2007 in my mower. The odd thing is, that NOWHERE on the Web can I find reference to that SPEC for a FH531V engine. The sticker clearly states it. The Web shows “BS06”, but no “DS06”. What’s wrong?

    I want to get the correct engine manual but cannot make a move until I am sure of the SPEC.

  4. Thank you very much! You were a big help getting all the information I needed to get the right parts.
    I do have a question, throttle isn’t attached to anything besides the cable to the control plate. Can’t idle down ? I have the governor on, but what connects the two?

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